Monday, February 06, 2006


Product Love, Part 2

Well, last week or so I wrote to you about a great little soup product that I found called: Bean Cuisine from the wonderful people at . Well much to my surprise I received a snail mail letter today from the parent company with a free coupon for a Bean Cuisine of my choice. Apparently, my remarks and review on how yummy their soups are made it to their computers. Attached is the letter and coupon that I received. We must all remember that the big companies out there are pushing those terrible mass market products like Wonder Bread and the like and are hurting our health. The Luzianne company puts out these fabo soups in a bag that are wholesome and tasty without the salt found in a can version. Take a tip from me and be more vocal with the products you love, and support those products with your dollars and voice. We can make a difference in what is on our grocery store selves. Bean Cuisine is a must try, and I bet you will be hooked! Luzianne company, if you are reading this, thank you for creating these soups and keep up the great work!

What are you tasting?,

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